George Goodnow

11:00AM - 5:00PM
Sat 5th & Sun 6th November 2022
George Goodnow is a multidisciplinary artist living in Naarm (Melbourne). Their practice ranges from painting and public murals, to sculpture and site-specific installations utilising salvaged materials. By fabricating fictional architectures and objects, or adjusting existing architectures, George considers how spaces reflect, orientate and hold bodies. Recent work explores concepts of binaries, gender and queerness through everyday infrastructure and materials within urban built environments. George has exhibited and produced public art installations around Australia and overseas, and collaborated on projects with Platform Arts Geelong, Sydney Sexual Health Centre, Melbourne Fringe Festival and Collingwood Yards.
As a non-binary person, George wanted to celebrate being multiple things at once, beyond binary notions of either ‘this or that’, ‘one or the other’.
As a non-binary person, George wanted to celebrate being multiple things at once, beyond binary notions of either ‘this or that’, ‘one or the other’.
‘Strength’ and ‘softness’ as characteristics are not in opposition with one another, but coexist, overlap and intersect within a myriad of possibilities.
Just like gender isn’t a rigid set of rules (one box or the other), it’s more like fabric – fluid, malleable, made up of many parts, and most importantly, it’s yours.
There are as many ways to express and describe gender as there are people. And there is a lot of strength and softness in LGBTIQA+ communities.
George chose to respond to the colour purple, as it features on the non-binary and genderqueer flags, and represents a blending of femininity and masculinity.
More about George Goodnow