Matto Lucas

11:00AM - 4:00PM
Sat 27th & Sun 28th March 2021
Matto Lucas is an Australian artist, photographer, creator, curator and art facilitator working within mixed and digital media, with a preference for photography and performance. In 2013 Lucas was awarded a Lifetime Membership to Midsumma for his continuous work and commitment as a visual artist within the LGBTIAQ+ community.
Since 2011 Lucas has been shortlisted for the Metro Gallery Art Award, the AGENDO13 young emerging artists prize, the Sunshine Coast Gallery New Media Art Prize and The Footscray Art Prize and won first place in for the Picturing Footscray Photography prize and Best Fashion Work in the Centre for Contemporary Photography and the ILFORD SALON.
Lucas has held positions of office and sat on committees for Coalesce ARI, Trocadero Artspace Footscray, the One Night In Footscray Festival and is newly appointed to the committee of Arts West. He lectures at the Australian Institute of Music, LCI Melbourne and is the creator and operator of Melbourne Art Review and co-host of the podcast, 'Drinking With The Artist'.
More about Matto Lucas