Sexy Galexy
11:00AM - 4:00PM
Sat 27th March 2021
Having performed all over the world throughout his 27 year career, the Original Glamourboi is Glitz, Glam, Masc and Fem, a Get Down Boogie man, all wrapped up in a disco loving, muscle flexing, more-of-a-woman-when-he's-a-man Man. Some of his achievements include, 3 consecutive Sydney Diva Awards, performing shows for Mardi Gras, Queer TV, Gay Games, touring his solo show “Manliness”, Broken Heel Festival, ABC TV’s “You Can’t Ask That” Drag episode, “King for a Day” program, and ‘Molly Melodrama’, a homage to Molly Meldrum in ‘The Countdown Experience’.
More info about Sexy Galexy